
The Arlington High School Alumni Band began when the AHS Band Director, Mr. Hejny, suggested to a band members mother “You should start an Alumni Band!” This was the directors first year at AHS, and in changing things in the band hall, this riled the mother so she kept reminding him of the importance of keeping the traditions alive. Mr Hejny understood that past traditions are important to the present and the future of the band. She, also wanted to keep the traditions alive so she began the Alumni Band.

In 2002 at a AHS Colt home football game, Tanya Terrell-Weideman (Class of’81) ran up the bleachers and grabbed Gary Johnson (Class of’81), and with a big grin on her face said ” GARY, LETS START AN ALUMNI BAND!”. This began the journey of the Alumni Band.

The band began by participating in the Arlington 4th of July Parade.  Since then, then it has expanded to the Parade of Lights, the AHS Alumni Open House, and several other civic performances.

In addition, the band has performed at several AHS reunions.

In recent years, the band has taken on in the advancement of the AHS Colt Band with a scholarship for private lessons and supporting the Dean Corey Scholarship.